Map of the Island of Jamaica, 1763, TNA, CO 700/JAMAICA16.
Map of the County of Cornwall, 1763, TNA, CO 700/JAMAICA17.
Map of the County of Middlesex, 1763, TNA, CO 700/JAMAICA18.
Map of the County of Surrey, 1763, TNA CO 700/JAMAICA19.
Diary of Brother Zacharias George Caries’s Voyage to Jamaica, 1755-1756, MCA.
Moravian diary, Mesopotamia estate, 1760-1761, transcribed and translated by Katharine Gerbner, UA, R.15.C.b.1.3.
Moravian diary, Bogue estate, 1760-1761, transcribed and translated by Katharine Gerbner, UA, R.15.C.b.2.1.
Moravian diary, Carmel, 1760-1761, transcribed and translated by Katharine Gerbner, UA, R.15.C.b.2.2.
Diary of Thomas Thistlewood, 1760-1761, transcribed by Trevor Burnard, Beineke Rare Book and Manuscript Archive, Yale University.
Private Correspondence
Leonard Stedman to William Vassall, 7 June 1760, Vassall Papers, Houghton Library, Harvard University, b Ms. Am 1250, Folder 84.
Francis Treble to Caleb Dickinson, 2 June 1760 and 12 June 1760, Caleb Dickinson Letters, SRO, DD\DN/218.
Zachary Bayly to Caleb Dickinson, 1 June 1760, Caleb Dickinson Letters, SRO, DD\DN/218.
Mary Barclay to Thomas Hall, 31 August 1760, Hall Family Papers, UCSD, Box 1, Folder 55.
John Hamilton to Robert Hamilton, 12 June 1760, ARO, AA/DC/17/113.
Foord & Delpratt to Samuel Munkley & Co, 12 June 1760, BRO, AC/MU/1(11)h.
Annual Register: “Extract of a letter from Jamaica, 8 May 1760;” “Extract of a letter from Jamaica, 21 May 1760.”
The Pennsylvania Gazette: “Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at St. Mary, April 14, 1760,” and news report from Kingston, 19 April 1760, published June 5, 1760; “Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Savanna-la-Mar, 10 June 1760,” published 24 July 1760; News reports from St. Jago de la Vega, Jamaica, 7 June 1760, and 14 June 1760, published 24 July 1760; News reports from St. Jago de la Vega, Jamaica, 14 June 1760, 28 June 1760, and 5 July 1760, 12 July 1760, and “Extract of a Letter from St. Thomas in the East, 19 July 1760, published 4 September 1760.
Military and Administrative Records
Minutes of the Jamaica Council, 10 April 1760 and 17 April 1760, enclosed on Moore to BT, 19 April 1760, TNA, CO 137/60, ff. 296-299.
Captain’s Journal of HMS Port Antonio, TNA, ADM 51/717.
Master's Journal of HMS Harwich, TNA, ADM 52/892.
Master's Journal of HMS Viper, TNA, ADM 52/1493.
Holmes to Cleveland, 11 June 1760, TNA, ADM 1/236, f. 41.
Minutes of the Jamaica Council, 14 July 1760, enclosed in Moore to BT, 24 July 1760, TNA, CO 137/60, ff. 23-24.
Holmes to Cleveland, 25 July 1760, TNA, ADM 1/236, ff. 51-54.
A List of White People Kill'd since the Commencement of the Rebellion in Westmoreland 25 May 1760, and Rebels Kill’d and Taken, enclosed in Holmes to Cleveland, 25 July 1760, TNA, ADM 1/236.
Testimony of John Venn, 3 December 1760, Jamaica Council in Assembly, TNA, CO 140/43.
Contemporary Historical Accounts
Bryan Edwards, The History Civil and Commercial of the British West Indies, Volume 2 (London, 1793), 75-79.
Edward Long, The History of Jamaica, Volume 2 (London, 1774), 447-472.
Selected Secondary Historical Accounts
Maria Allessandra Bollettino, “Slavery, War, and Britain’s Atlantic Empire: Black Soldiers, Sailors, and Rebels in the Seven Years’ War,” (PhD dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, 2009), 191-256.
Vincent Brown, The Reaper’s Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008), 129-156.
______ The Coromantee Wars: An Archipelago of Insurrection (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, forthcoming 2015).
Trevor Burnard, Mastery, Tyranny, and Desire: Thomas Thistlewood and his Slave in the Anglo-Jamaican World (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), pp. 170-174.
Michael Craton, Testing the Chains: Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982), 125-139.
Richard Hart, Slaves Who Abolished Slavery: Blacks in Rebellion (Kingston: University of West Indies Press, 2002 [1985]), 130-156.
C. Roy Reynolds, “Tacky and the Great Slave Revolt of 1760,” Jamaica Journal 6 (June 1972): 5-8.
Monica Schuler, “Ethnic Slave Rebellions in the Caribbean and the Guianas,” Journal of Social History 3 (Summer 1970): 374-85.
ADM | Admiralty Series |
ARO | Ayrshire Archives (accessed online) |
BRO | Bristol Record Office, Bristol, United Kingdom |
BT | Board of Trade Series |
CO | Colonial Office Series |
HMS | His Majesty’s Ship |
MCA | Moravian Church Archive and Library, London, United Kingdom |
SRO | Somerset Archive and Record Office, Taunton, United Kingdom |
TNA | The United Kingdom National Archives, Kew, United Kingdom |
UA | Unitätsarchiv, Herrnhut, Germany |